365 Days with the Prophet Muhammad
365 Days with the Prophet Muhammad
365 Days with the Prophet Muhammad (saw)” is a beautiful book that is a must-own for Muslim families everywhere. This beautifully crafted piece won the Best Work in Translation award at the Islamic Bookfair of Indonesia. For every day of the year it tells a story of our Prophet (saw) so that you and your children read a new story together each day, or at night as a bedtime story, or they can read it by themselves. This book has been translated into twenty-five languages and is loved by readers from California to Kuala Lampur. Evert Muslim family and every library at an Islamic school for children, madrasah or masjid would definitely benefit from a copy of this book.
The stories of Prophet Muhammad are also told chronologically, so that children will also begin to have a grasp of basic Islamic history. The child can also explore the Prophet’s (saw) lofty character, – his generosity, loyalty, hospitality, honesty, peacefulness, and forgiving nature by using the subject index provided at the beginning of the book. Parents who want to teach their children Islamic ethics and morality will now be able to guide them by using the highest of all role models: the Prophet Muhammad (saw). The book is also printed with a free gift, a Map of the Golden Age which helps children see the places that they read about in the stories.
Publisher: Timas Kids
Author: Nurdan Damla
Illustrator: Osman Turhan
ISBN: 9786050814354 (978-605-08-1435-4)
Format: Hardcover
Size: 19.5 x 27.5 (cm) 7.6 x 10.8 (inch)
Page Count: 360 pages
Weight: 1010 gr. 2,226 lb